The New Buzz In Instant Hot Water For Your Home

Hot water recirculation for domestic water systems has created a lot of buzz these days, spurred primarily by consumer demand for hot water instantly at the tap.

Houses are getting bigger, featuring master baths with giant tubs located farther from the hot water source. But, it’s wasteful to let all that water go down the drain, even if it is the drain of a shower with six heads.

Statistics promoted by the manufacturers of hot water recirculation systems show that the technology saves up to 17,000 gallons of water each year for an average family of four. In larger homes, with more faucets and showers and longer water lines between the water heater and distant bathrooms, the amount of water that’s wasted can be higher.  But most consumers also enjoy the benefit of comfort and convince. 

A recirculation system saves money in other ways. Water systems use electricity to pump water to it’s destination. The wasted water unnecessarily burdens the sewer system or septic system.

Many consumers, after spending several hundred dollars on tank-less water heaters are disappointed to find that they still have a long wait before hot water reaches their shower or faucet. However, they could have saved that money by installing a new innovative technology to provide hot water recirculation that saves water, saves energy, is convenient to use and easy to install (not requiring pipe cutting or electrical wiring). This system is typically used on retrofits but may also be installed on new construction. It consists of a temperature controlled thermal convection powered hot water recirculation valve installed under the plumbing fixture farthest from the water heater. The system contains a sensor, which opens the valve only when the water temperature drops below the adjustable temperature setting.

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